Thursday, 21 April 2016


Infertility in women is the inability to conceive.
Symptoms :
1) Deposite attempting to do so for more than a year.
2) Provide her a partner has normal reproductive function.
3) irregular menstruation
4) amenorrhea
5) dysmenorrhoea
6) descending pain in breast
7) aches in the waist
If a woman has never conceived , it is primary Infertility.
If a women has conceived previously , it is secondary Infertility.
Pattern of infertility and treatment
1) kidney yang deficiency causes infertility with loss of LI biological, delayed and decreased menstruation with pale menses: main symptoms
1) infertility
2) loss of libido
3) delayed menses
4) pale menses
5) aches and weakness of waist and legs
6) dusky complexion
Causes of disease
1) kidney yang become deficient due to :
● inadequate prenatal andowment
● excessive sexual activity
2) the essence then can not gel and form into a fetus
3) cold and humidity gels in chong mo and ren mo and causes blockade there.
4) humidity fills the uterine meridians, so that essence can not gel form into a fetus .
Treatment :
Group 1: K 3, 7, CV 4, 6, GV 4, UB 23, 47 tone
After 3 months stop thus treatment. given below treatment for kidney essence deficiency
Group 2: K 3, 6, CV 4, GV 4, 14, 20, UB 11, 15, 23, GB 39 tone
Given this treatment for 3 months. After this again given treatment according to group 1 for 3 months.
2) kidney yin deficiency causes infertility with early and decreased menses with evacuation and five palm heat:
Main symptoms :
1) infertility
2) early menses
3) decreased menses
4) emacition
5) five palm heat
6) blurred vision
Causes of diseased :
1) deficiency of kidney yin allow yang QI to be overactive .
2) increase yang QI raises internal heat. This internal heat goes to ren and chong mo.
3) inadequate prenatal endowment may also causes kidney yin deficiency and consequent infertility.
Treatment :
Group 1: K2, H 5, LU 10, sedated
K 3, 6, 9, 10, SP 6, CV 4, UB 23, LU 7, tone
Given this treatment for 3 months. After 3 months given following treatment for deficiency of kidney essence .
Group 2: K 3, 6, CV 4, GV 4, 14, 20, UB 11, 15, 23, GB 39 tone
3) stagnation of liver qi may causes infertility with premenstrual breast distension, decreased and dark coloured menses containing clots or irregular menses :
Main symptoms :
1) infertility
2 ) premenstrual breast distension
3) decreased and dark coloured menses containing clots
4) irregular menses
Treatment :
Group 1: CV 3, 4, 6, LIV 3 SEDATE
Group 2 : P 6, TW 6 GB 34, LIV 3, 13, 14 SEDATE
4) accumulating of internal humid phlegm due to deficiency of spleen causes infertility with delayed menses or amenorrhea , leukorrhea and weight gain : main symptoms :
1 ) infertility
2) delayed menses
3 ) amenorrhea - copious and viscid vaginally discharge
4) obesity
5) chest tightness
Causes of disease :
1) excess consumption of fatty and spicy foods and in obesity humidity and phlegm accumulate in the interior and obstruct qi movement.
2) reduced qi movement causes loss of control of ren and chong mo .
3) there is overflow of fat in the uterine channels.
4) it impairs uterine function.
Treatment : SP 6, 9, ST 40, CV 6, 4 sedate .
5) Statis of blood in the uterus causes infertility with delayed and decreased menses or dysmenorrhoea, menstrual blood is dark purple with clots.
Main symptoms :
1) infertility
2) delayed menses with decreased menses
3) dysmenorrhoea may be there
4) menses is of dark purple colour with clots
5) Abdominal pain
Treatment : LIV 3, LI 4, ST 29, CV 6, 4, SP 6, UB 32, 20,sedated. ..
add Fib D 1b & Fat D 1b include all infertility treatment this points will rent by star magnet or state needle
Andheri west Mumbai

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

5 Things to Know About the USB-C Interface

1) What’s so great about the new USB-C connector?
One of the most notable features of USB-C is that it is reversible – there is no wrong way to plug it in. This is similar to Apple’s Lightning connector, which was introduced with the iPhone 5.
2) That’s pretty cool, but does this mean I’ll have another cable floating around in a drawer somewhere?
For a short while, yes, this will be yet “another cable.” However, once the new USB 3.1 standard is adopted, it will eliminate cable mess while giving you better functionality.
3) Besides the new physical connector, what else does USB 3.1 do?
USB-C transfers files, such as movies, music and hard drive back-ups, at a much faster speed. USB 3.1 also supports video and high-output charging at 20 times the power output of USB 3.0, all over a single cable.
4) This sounds very similar to Thunderbolt. Does this mean that Thunderbolt will eventually fade away?
Despite sounding very similar on the surface, Thunderbolt and USB 3.1 will coexist to serve different purposes.
USB 3.1 and USB-C will achieve greater mass adoption in the personal computing and mobile spaces since it is built on a protocol that is already understood by hardware developers.
Thunderbolt will continue to develop and is actually more advanced in terms of performance. However, it is too expensive for everyday users and will shift towards the high-end for professional video, audio and storage applications.
5) Okay, that makes sense. When can we expect to see devices out in real life?
USB-C standards are still in its early stages, but adoption by major manufacturers such as Apple will definitely jump-start the process. By the middle of 2015, cables, adapters and other accessories should be available for purchase. As other computer manufacturers integrate USB 3.1 into their computers, mass adoption will start to take off in late 2015. For reference, it took USB 3.0 about 18 months to gain traction with everyday users, so we can most likely expect a similar timeline for USB 3.1.
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It's very important to know all of you regarding to ECG

This ECG shows Brady-Tachy syndrome, a term that has been used to describe patients with sick sinus syndrome who have both tachyarrhythmias and bradyarrhythmias.
In Brady-Tachy syndrome, bradycardia episodes are interspersed with paroxysms
of tachycardia (usually AF, atrial flutter, or some
type of PSVT). Sometimes the bradycardia occurs
immediately after spontaneous termination of
the tachycardia. An important subset includes
patients with paroxysmal AF have marked sinus
bradycardia and even sinus arrest after spontaneous conversion of AF.

ECG Flowchart 

1st Degree AV Block
2nd degree AV Block Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach Phenomenon)
2nd degree AV Block (Mobitz Type 2)

ECG : Right Bundle Branch Block
- Broad QRS complexes of more than 0.12s duration 
- rSR or 'M'-shaped pattern, with a small initial r wave & large secondary R wave, is seen in the right-facing chest leads V1, V2 ± V3, as right ventricular forces occur late and unopposed by left ventricular contraction; this is also manifested by late deep slurred S waves appearing in V4 to V6. 
- Right bundle branch block may be a normal finding, but the change from normal conduction to one or other of these patterns implies heart disease

Left Bundle Branch Block 

Today's ECG : Paroxysmal SVT – AV nodal re-entry tachycardia

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Summary of patterns & treatment of atrophy syndrome...
{A} excess type of pattern of atrophy syndrome : 
1) heat in lungs injures yin fluids causes atrophy syndromes;..
Atrophy syndrome weakness & flaccidity. After fever poliomyelitis muscular weakness & impairment of walking in children after infectious febrile disease.
TREATMENT : LU 1, 5, UB 13, GV 14, ST 44 SEDATE ALL 
ST 36, SP 6, K 3 TONE ALL
2) attack of humid hear causes atrophy syndromes;..
Atrophy syndrome constant low grade fever which does not abate with sweating oppressing of cheats epigastrium numbness cloud urine heaviness feeling in the body
3) attack of humid cold causes atrophy syndromes
Atrophy syndrome flaccidy & coldness of limbs a feeling of heaviness in the body numbness of back pain & shoulder
TREATMENT : SP 6, 9, ST 40 sedate all
ST 8
CV 12, UB 20, ST 36, GV 4 tone all.
{B} deficiency type of pattern of atrophy syndrome :-
1) stomach & spleen deficiency causes atrophy syndromes..;
Atrophy syndrome weakness of limbs fatigue muscular weakness tired loose stools.
TREATMENT : SP 3, 6, ST 36, UB 20, 21, CV 12 tone all...
2) heart & spleen qi collapse causes atrophy syndromes
Atrophy syndrome sudden muscular weakness after a shock insomnia palpitation no appetite loose stools.
TREATMENT : H 5, UB 15, GV 14, ST 36, SP 6, UB 20, CV 4 TONE ALL
3) kidney & liver yin deficiency causes atrophy syndromes..;
Atrophy syndrome atrophy & weakness of leg mussels developing gradually pain in back exhaustion tinnitus dizziness
TREATMENT : LIV 8, K 3 , CV 4, GB 34, 39, GV 3, UB 18, 23 tone all.
4) statis of blood in channels last stage of atrophy syndrome with pain numb & weakness limbs bluish colour of limbs withered lips pain in flexon of limbs purple tongue.
TREATMENT : ST 36, SP 6, both tone UB 11, 17, SP 10, GV 8, 9.
5) The Main point to stimulate Qi & blood and eliminate the pathogenic factors from the meridians in atrophy syndromes.
Senior acupuncturist
andheri west Mumbai
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Acupuncture for Headaches - Treatment Protocols

Below you will find some of the more common tcm diagnoses and acupuncture treatment protocols for headaches and related conditions such as migraines. There are many ways to treat this condition with Eastern Medicine and our presentation is only one of many possible options.
Headaches may be diagnosed generally by looking at the nature of the pain, what makes the pain better or worse and the location of the pain. If the pain is dull it is likely from deficiency, whereas sharp pain is likely from excess. If the pain is better with rest it is likely from deficiency, whereas if it is improved with movement it is likely from stagnation. Locating which channels are near the pain, ST, GB, etc. will also aid in the selection of proper treatment points.
Etiology & Pathology:
General Treatment Points by Location:
Eyebrows - UB 2
Frontal - ST 8, ST 44, GV 23, GB 14 a/or Taiyang
Occipital - UB 10, GV 19 a/or SI 3
Temple - TH 5, GB 8, GB 41 a/or Taiyang
Vertex - GV 20, SI 3, UB 67, UB 7 a/or LV 3
External Factors:
Wind Cold
Wind Heat
Wind Damp
Excess Internal Conditions:
LV Yang Rising - primarily from emotional factors, may also be related to diets with greasy foods a/or alcohol, or excessive sexual activity.
LV Fire - progression of LV yang rising.
Phlegm Turbidity - primarily from phlegm excesses usually resulting from consistiently poor dietary habits.
Blood Stagnation - usually resulting from trauma.
Deficient Internal Conditions:
Qi Deficiency - primarily from overwork mentally a/or physically.
Blood Deficiency - primarily after long term illnesses where the body has been weakened.
KD Deficiency - primarily from old age or excessive sexual activity.
Wind Cold - Excess
Signs & Symptoms:
Distending/pulling sensation in the head, may be tight in the posterior aspect of the head, common wind cold symptoms such as chills, stuffy nose a/or body aches, may arise due to allergies in the spring or during the change of seasons.
Tongue: Thin white coat
Pulse: Floating, tight
Treatment Points:
Valaskatagis Point Selection:
GB 20 - clear wind
GV 16 - clear wind
UB 12 - wind shu
LU 7 - clear wind, command point of head and posterior neck
Consider cupping for to release wind cold
Consider locational points as described above
St. John Point Selection:
Same as above plus:
LI 4 - release exterior wind/wind-cold
UB 10 - release the exterior for wind cold
Wind Heat - Excess
Signs & Symptoms:
Distending or "splitting" headache, heat signs such as red face a/or eyes, fever, thirst.
Tongue: Red, possibly w/thin yellow coat
Pulse: Floating, fast
Treatment Points:
Valaskatagis Point Selection:
LI 4 - clear heat, release exterior
LI 11 - clear heat
GV 14 - release the exterior, clear heat
Consider locational points as described above
St. John Point Selection:
Same as above plus:
GB 20 - clear wind from head
GV 16 - clear wind from head
TH 5 - release the exterior, clear the head
Wind Damp - Excess
Signs & Symptoms:
Sensation of a "towel wrapped around the head", heavy body, poor appetite, may have chest oppression
Tongue: Greasy coat
Pulse: Soft, slippery
Treatment Points:
Valaskatagis Point Selection:
GV 20 - clear the head
CV 12 - ST Mu
UB 20 - SP Shu
ST 36 - tonify ST/SP
ST 40 - resolve dampness
GB 20 - clear wind from head
Consider locational points as described above
LV Yang Rising - Excess Internal
Signs & Symptoms:
Severe headache usually worse in the afternoon, may be pulsing a/or accompanied by the appearance of blue veins on the forehead or temples, headache is usually bilateral although it may be one sided, pain may worsen if lying down, patient may have a quick temper, irritability, bitter taste in the mouth, red face, constipation. May also effect the ST leading to nausea a/or vomiting.
Tongue: Red w/thin yellow coat
Pulse: Wiry and rapid or forceful
Treatment Points:
Valaskatagis & St. John Point Selection:
LV 3 - resolve LV stagnation
SP 6 - tonify the yin
KD 3 - tonify the yin
GB 4 - headache
GB 20 - descend the Qi from the head
GB 43 - clear heat from the GB channel
Taiyang - headache
If ST involvement - PC 6, GB 34, CV 12 a/or ST 36
LV Fire - Excess Internal
Signs & Symptoms:
Further progression of LV Yang Rising but with a worse headache and stronger heat signs, red face, strong anger, possibly shouting.
Tongue: Red w/yellow coat, red sides possible
Pulse: Wiry and rapid or forceful
Treatment Points:
St. John Point Selection:
LV 2 - clear LV fire
SP 6 - tonify yin
GB 20 - descend the Qi from the head
Taiyang - headache
For strong emotional involvements - PC 8
Phlegm Turbidity - Excess Internal
Signs & Symptoms:
Headache with strong sensation of heaviness, pain is worse in damp weather, may experience dizziness, may also have other phlegm signs such as fullness in the chest a/or epigastric area, nausea, vomiting of watery mucus.
Tongue: Greasy white coat
Pulse: Slippery
Treatment Points:
St. John Point Selection:
ST 8 - clear head
ST 36 - tonify ST/SP
ST 40 - resolve phlegm
GV 20 - allow clear yang to rise to the head
CV 12 - ST Mu
Yintang - clear head
Blood Stagnation - Excess Internal
Signs & Symptoms:
Usually the result of a trauma, headache that is fixed in location with very strong a/or drilling-type pain, may be worse at night.
Tongue: Purple possible w/purple a/or dark red spots
Pulse: Choppy or wiry
Treatment Points:
Valaskatagis Point Selection:
SP 6 - move Blood
SP 10 - move Blood
UB 17 - hui meeting of the Blood
Consider locational points as described above
Qi Deficiency - Deficient Internal
Signs & Symptoms:
Headache that is consistient and dull, may involve the whole head or the frontal area, worsens with overwork or other mental a/or physical stressors, poor appetite and fatigue.
Tongue: Pale w/thin white coat
Pulse: Weak
Treatment Points:
St. John Point Selection:
SP 6 - tonify ST/SP
ST 36 - tonify ST/SP
CV 6 - tonify Qi
GV 20 - raise the Qi to the head
UB 20 - SP Shu
Consider locational points as described above
Blood Deficiency - Deficient Internal
Signs & Symptoms:
Headache that worsens with exertion, improves with rest, pain may be dull in nature with an empty feeling in the head, palpitations, insomnia, poor memory, pale complexion, dry skin possible, in women this type of headache may be worse after their period.
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Thin, weak
Treatment Points:
Valaskatagis & St. John Point Selection:
UB 17 - hui meeting of the Blood
UB 18 - LV Shu
UB 20 - SP Shu
UB 23 - KD Shu
ST 36 - tonify ST/SP
SP 6 - tonify SP
GV 20 - raise the Qi to the head
Kidney Deficiency - Deficient Internal
Signs & Symptoms:
Empty feeling in head, weak low back a/or knees, fatigue.
Tongue: Pale (if more Yang def), Red w/little coat (if more Yin def)
Pulse: Deep, empty, may be thready if more Yin def)
Treatment Points:
Valaskatagis Point Selection:
KD 3 - tonify KD
CV 4 - tonify KD
GV 20 - raise the Qi to the head
ST 36 - tonify Qi
UB 23 Back shu KD..
ProtocolsAcupuncture For Migraines
Needling Multiple Acupuncture Points – Brain Activation More Than The Sum
"Warm" acupuncture found found beneficial for Chronic fatigue.
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Know about Gout

Gout is a disorder of purine metabolism in which a high serum uric acid is found and there is deposit of urate crystals within joints causing exquisite pain and tenderness. The pharmacological treatment relies upon non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, drugs in the acute stage, and prophylactic drugs in the chronic state to control the level of circulating uric acid.
In traditional Chinese medicine an over-rich diet is thought to cause a build-up of damp and heat internally that causes phlegm to stagnate. There is also disturbance of the Spleen and Kidney. Treatment thus involves Spleen and Stomach acupuncture points (SP.3 and 6, and ST.36 and 40) to control heat and damp and reduce phlegm. Other local points are used according to the joint involved.
A case history is discussed illustrating the treatment and a series of 10 patients is reported in which there is a 70% success in reducing the chronic level of serum uric acid and the frequency' of acute attacks.
Key words
Acupuncture, Gout, Traditional Chinese medicine.
Gout is a disease of protein metabolism with symptoms most commonly manifest at the first metacarpo-phalangeal joint, but it can affect almost any joint or combination of joints and the patient may exhibit systemic symptoms. The typical presentation of gout is as exquisite pain and tenderness in a red, hot and swollen big toe. The acute attack usually settles within a few days, but may last several weeks. It is caused by the deposit of urate crystals; a raised serum uric acid therefore supports a diagnosis of gout, but confirmation must be through finding crystals in synovial fluid on microscopy, as there are other causes of hyperuricaemia, such as renal disease and malignancy, and the uric acid is not always abnormally high in acute attacks. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is also raised in an acute attack. There are no x-ray changes in the early stages, but in the advanced stage gouty calculus is deposited near the joint surface and appears as round defects in epiphyseal areas.
Gout is characterised by joint inflammation and pain both disorder are caused by deposit of sodium urate crystal in the joints because of high blood levels of uric acid...This causes attack of painful joint inflammation...
● Gout is more common in men then in women.
● usually Gout develops during middle age in men and after menopause in women.
● got is rare in younger people , but it is often more severe in people who develop the disorder before age 30.
● Gout often runs in families.
● Gout most often affects the joints in the feet particularly at the Base of the big toe.
● it commonly affects the other joints , ankle, knee, wrist and elbow..
● urate crystal may form in these joints because the joints are cooler than the central part of the body. Urate crystal form readily at cooler temperature.
● Gout affects the joints of the spine , hips or shoulder...
● uric acid is a bye product of break down of nucleic acid .
● The body readily transform substances in foods called purines into uric acid.
● foods high in purines include
Meat gravies and broths
All organ meats
Sweet breads
● the uric acid level in the blood becomes abnormally high when the kidneys can not eliminate enough uric acid in the urine.
● too much uric in the blood can result in urate crystal being formed and deposited in joints.
● combining a high purine diet with alcohol can worse matters.
● severe pain occurs suddenly in one or more joints , often at night ( probably because of the metabolic changes that occur when a person lies down.
● the pain becomes progressively worse and is often excruciating particularly when the joints moved or touched.
● the joints becomes inflammed it swells and feels warm , and the skin over the joints appears red or purplish, tight and shiny.
● there my be fever upto 102°F, chills, a general sick feeling and a rapid heart beat.
● the first few attack usually affects only one joint and last for a few days.
● the symptoms gradually disappear, joints function returns and no symptoms appear until the next attack.
● after sever attack, Gout can become severe and chronic and may lead to destruction of tissue and a joint deformity.
● over time, joint motion becomes progressively restricted by damage caused by deposit of urate crystal in the joints and tendons.
● hard lumps of urate crystals are first deposits in the joints lining or cartilage or in bone near the joints and then under the skin around joints.
● if untreated, tophi can burst and discharge chalky masses of urate crystal through the skin.
● tophi can also developed in the kidneys and other organs , under the skin on the ears, in the tough band extending from the calf muscles to the heel or around the elbows.
A high uric acid level in the blood , supports the diagnosis. However this is often normal especially during an acute attack.
A blood test may show increased number of white blood cells due to the inflammation caused by urater crystals.
Group 1 : LIV 1, 3, SP 1, 3, 5, UB 54 (L&R)SEDATE ALL
Group 2 : LI 4, 11, ST 36, 44, UB 54, LIV 2, 4, 7, GB 21, 31, 34, 41, SP 2, 4, 5 (L&R) SEDATE ALL. ...
C.M.P of ND tone
C.M.P of JD sedate L&R
Dr.Sheikh Mumbai

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There are the acupressure points for relieving Headaches and Migraines

There are the acupressure points for relieving Headaches and Migraines. Working on these points can help you get better quicker. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective.
Points (A) — Third Eye Point
Location: Directly between the eyebrows, in the indentation where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead. Benefits: This point balances the pituitary gland, and relieves hay fever, headaches, indigestion, ulcer pain, and eyestrain.
Points (B) — Drilling Bamboo
Location: In the indentations on either side of where the bridge of the nose meets the ridge of the eyebrows. Benefits: Relieves eye pain, headaches, hay fever, eye fatigue, and sinus pain.
Points (C) — Facial Beauty
Location: At the bottom of the cheekbone, below the pupil. Benefits: Relieves eye fatigue and pressure, nasal and head congestion, eyestrain, and toothaches.
Points (D) — Wind Mansion
Location: In the center of the back of the head in a large hollow under the base of the skull. Benefits: Relieves pain in the eyes, ears, nose, and throat, as well as mental problems, headaches, vertigo, and stiff necks.
Points (E) — Gates of Consciousness
Location: Below the base of the skull, in the hollow between the two vertical neck muscles. Benefits: Relieves arthritis, headaches (including migraines), dizziness, stiff neck, neck pain, neuromotor coordination problems, eyestrain, and irritability .
Points (F)– Heavenly Pillar
Location: One-half inch below the base of the skull, on the ropy muscles one-half inch outward from the spine. Benefits: Relieves stress, burnout, exhaustion, insomnia, heaviness in the head, eyestrain, stiff necks, and sore throats.
Points (G) — oining the Valley
Caution: This point is forbidden for pregnant women because its stimulation can cause premature contractions in the uterus.
Location: In the webbing between the thumb and index finger, at the highest spot of the muscle that protrudes when the thumb and index finger are brought close together. Benefits: Relieves frontal headaches, toothaches, shoulder pain, and labor pain.
Points (H) — Bigger Rushing
Location: On the top of the foot, in the valley between the big toe and second toe. Benefits: Relieves foot cramps, headaches, eye fatigue, hangovers, allergies, and arthritis.
Points (I) — Above Tears 
Location: On the top of the foot, one inch above the webbing of the fourth and fifth toes in the groove between the bones. Benefits: Relieves hip pain, shoulder tension, arthritic pains that move all over the body, headaches, sideaches, water retention, and sciatica.
It’s important to drink plenty of warm water after the massage, to help clear away toxin substances in our body.

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